Streeter's Final Blog at trainzwholesale

Streeter's Final Blog at trainzwholesale

Thank you.

Thank you for reading, responding, interacting with me on SDG’s social media or in person over the last 4.5 years here at trainzwholesale. I’ve really enjoyed working with, learning from, and engaging in the fun conversations we’ve had.

This is my final blog for trainzwholesale. I’m leaving SDG to take a position in the Mechanic Falls Police department. My last day will be Wednesday September 13th. Come out that night for a special round of dubs!

I took the Sabattus Pro Shop attendant job in April of 2019 with the intention of getting free rounds at my favorite course and a discount on some plastic for a summer while I finished my Sports Management degree at the University of Southern Maine.

But as Winter 2020 approached I was offered a chance to stay on and keep the shop open as long as I found a way to keep busy. So we opened Sabattus on Thursday-Sunday from 9-5 and I would update our product descriptions, and write a weekly blog.

Disc golf grew during the pandemic, and Sabattus grew with it. Now we’re open every day of the year (excluding Thanksgiving and Christmas) and I have written a weekly blog for the last 190 weeks. 

I want to touch on some of the changes to SDG I’ve gotten to be a part of in the last 5 summers.

  1. We now have weekly random doubles, and that’s year round. Wednesday’s in the Spring/Summer/Fall and on Saturday’s in the winter. 
  2. We lit the Owl course up and in the Fall/Winter/Spring we run singles league on Friday and Saturday nights. That’s right, you can play disc golf under the lights and in the snow at the same time!
  3. We have a disc golf library. Check out any mold we carry in our shop at the front desk for free. This is something I’m immensely proud of because it’s what I would have wanted and needed starting out in disc golf.
  4. “Get The Pros to Sabattus”. Is a project to get pros here for clinics the last couple of years. Sabattus doesn’t make any money on these. All the money goes to the touring pros and helps them out, and locals get a chance to meet their YouTube heroes and heroines. Our sport is relatively small and not everyone can afford to travel 3 hours and pay hundreds of dollars to go to a DGPT event. This keeps everything inexpensive and local. I’m confident that SDG will continue these events in the future.
  5. Donating our lost and found discs. We used to hold onto them until they started to take up too much room. We call discs, put them on a spreadsheet, even ship them to you. But after 60 days they get donated to local schools and nonprofits. I’m glad SDG increases public access to disc golf.

Thank you to whomever read any of my blogs over the last 4 years. I’ve written exactly 212,734 words total (including this blog). That’s the equivalent of about 4 novels of disc golf related writing. I’m pretty proud of that number and the fact that people continue to read them each week. 

I’ve met thousands of people from all over the world who love the sport of disc golf. It’s been a real joy to hear from you about where you’re from and how the disc golf there is different. And it’s been really special to meet so many people from all over Maine as well. We’re all connected because we like watching the way a disc flies through the air. It’s crazy how excited we all get when a disc does exactly what we want it to.

Sabattus is the real deal. It’s a place that I held in reverence before I started working here, and it’s a place that I’ll always love. If you’re interested in working in the disc golf industry, I can’t think of a better place to start. Ownership and management worked with me to find what my talents are and helped me find the creative outlet of blogging. There’s a lot to say to them, but thank you for supporting me is the main thing I want to say. And for always at least listening to my ridiculous ideas.

Thank you again readers for your reading of the blogs, coming into the shop and talking disc golf with me, and for all the love over the last few years. This job has been fantastic and way cooler than I ever imagined. And you’re the reason why.

May your discs miss all the trees,
Andrew Streeter #70397

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Thanks for all your blogs Streeter! They’ve been excellent, and best of luck w your new job!

Bill P

Great blog Chuck Roast. Glad we got to get a round in this summer. I’ll be sure to stay away from Mechanic Falls! Lol. Best of luck to you my friend.

Sean Sanderson

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