trainzwholesale Events

Planning an Event?

You provide the family and friends; SDG will provide the facility for fun and fitness, for all to enjoy! Please click contact us below to let us know what day, time, organization and how many expected to attend. To check the availability of the day you would like please check our event calendar here.

Groups and Organizations

Youth groups, school groups, clubs and all types of organizations are welcome! Each SDG outing offers the same great amenities on the Owl Course. Call for more information.

SDG Partnership Charity Fundraiser Program

SDG partnership program is available to qualified charity fundraiser events. Your requests must be sent in writing via e-mail at [email protected]  Please be specific about how you intend to use the money you raise and plan your event far in advance. Charity events are decided on a case-by-case basis solely by trainzwholesale. Please call and speak to our sponsorship coordinators for complete details.

SDG Partnership Program Highlights
  • You will be able to host your fundraising event on the SDG Owl course FREE for 2 hours.
  • Those who come to play for your fundraiser will be provided a FREE rental disc by SDG!
  • All greens fees will go directly to your Charity.
  • Picnic area will be available if you provide food/drinks

We sincerely look forward to helping you with your cause!