trainzwholesale, Inc. 2022-05-06T12:00:01-04:00 trainzwholesale, Inc. 2022-05-06T12:00:01-04:00 2022-05-06T12:00:01-04:00 TSA Nebula Ethereal Synapse "Impossible Triangle" Disc Golf Distance Driver Driver Discs Thought Space Athletics

販売元: Thought Space Athletics
タイプ: Discs
価格: 17.99 - 21.99 (25 variants)

The ThoughtSpace Athletics Impossible Triangle Synapse in Ethereal plastic is a stable to overstable high speed disc golf distance driver. It's got a wide rim and a flight plate that's not really domey or flat, it has a smooth transition from wing to middle. The Impossible Triangle is also called the Penrose triangle, it can only exist on the page never in real life. It's a gorgeous art concept and flows well on your disc.

The flight path of the Synapse is overstable. It's going to have lots of high speed glide when thrown level, it may have a slight turn but it will always fade back and hyzer out. It's a great blend of control and power because you won't be flipping it over even in a headwind, but you'll still be getting good distance out of it. It's a great choice for forehand or backhand shots and players who are advanced all the way up to professional players will do well bagging this disc. If you're looking for something to fill that controlled distance, but not quite maximum distance shot this is a great choice. It can be your go to driver.

Ethereal plastic from Thought Space Athletics is a premium blend. It's known for the metallic sheen, the little extra flex compared to Ethos plastic, and the durability. This is what you'll find pros on Team TSA throwing for their drivers.

The Impossible Triangle Synapse is an excellent disc for player who are looking for that disc to fill their power driver slot. The Synapse will get long glidey drives and fade reliably every time. Snag one of these discs for your bag and see why everyone is talking about the Synapse. ]]>
Discs Discs On Sale Distance Driver fade_3 glide_5 Nebula Ethereal Reduced Pricing speed_12 Synapse TSA turn_0 175 Swirl 9 17.99 010229356215 175 175 Swirl 16 17.99 010225142331 175 175 Swirl 17 17.99 010223102689 175 175 Swirl 19 17.99 010229548955 175 175 Swirl 20 17.99 010221843850 175 175 Swirl 23 17.99 010228079078 175 175 Swirl 25 17.99 010229345264 175 175 Swirl 29 17.99 010224906507 175 175 Swirl 33 17.99 010227629038 175 175 Swirl 36 17.99 010227758561 175 175 Swirl 38 17.99 010222573145 175 175 Swirl 44 17.99 010227315429 175 175 Swirl 51 17.99 010228097676 175 175 Swirl 52 17.99 010223908960 175 175 Swirl 53 17.99 010222830736 175 175 Swirl 54 17.99 010226027989 175 175 Swirl 55 17.99 010224411308 175 175 Swirl 56 17.99 010229189967 175 175 Swirl 57 17.99 010224950418 175 175 Swirl 60 17.99 010228144349 175 175 Swirl 61 17.99 010227779351 175 174 Swirl 63 21.99 010223638379 174 174 Swirl 64 21.99 010227258962 174 168 Swirl 67 21.99 010228356070 168 168 Swirl 69 21.99 010229754820 168 2022-04-15T12:00:05-04:00 2022-04-15T12:00:05-04:00 TSA Ethos Synapse "Grow Your Mind" Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs Thought Space Athletics

販売元: Thought Space Athletics
タイプ: Discs
価格: 13.99

The Thought Space Athletics Ethos Synapse Grow Your Mind is an overstable disc golf distance driver. It's a slightly flatter top in this plastic versus the Ethereal plastic and is a little more overstable. ThoughtSpace continues to crush every single stamp, the Grow Your Mind features the profile of a skull with teeth and bones, and the neck and brain filled with bees, flowers, a crescent moon, and other flora and fauna. It's hauntingly beautiful.

The flight path of the Synapse is a full S curve at higher speeds with a sharp fade back at the end. It's a great forehand or backhand choice if you're looking for something to bomb down the fairway with. The Synapse gives players that very long flex flight if you're throwing 350+ feet regularly. It's a disc you'll find in the hands of a professional player on Team ThoughtSpace, but it also works well for amateurs with a bigger arm. The Synapse doesn't have too much turn and it's not too stable, it's a great balance of power and control. The Synapse fills that slot in your bag for a maximum distance driver that won't flip over easily. It's solid if you're throwing into a headwind, but on calm days it's still going to get that big distance as well.

Ethos plastic from TSA is a premium blend that's highly durable. It's what you'll see pro players using because it gives a reliable performance week in and week out on the Disc Golf Pro Tour. It's going to be a bit more overstable than other plastics right out of the box so you may have to season it a bit for that full flex flight.

The Synapse is a disc that you can trust when you throw. It can handle your power when thrown level and go from side to side but come back. The Synapse delivers accuracy and distance to your game, so step up to the teepad with one and see why people love throwing this disc.

Discs Discs On Sale Distance Driver Ethos fade_3 glide_5 Reduced Pricing speed_12 Synapse TSA turn_0 173 Pink 53 13.99 010221225458 173 173 Pink 55 13.99 010222997460 173 2022-03-11T12:00:15-05:00 2022-03-11T12:00:15-05:00 TSA Ethereal Synapse "Dragon" Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs Thought Space Athletics

販売元: Thought Space Athletics
タイプ: Discs
価格: 15.99

The Thought Space Athletics Ethereal Synapse Dragon Disc Golf Distance Driver is a stable to overstable high speed driver. The stamp features a hidden dragon in the design and symbols. See if you can spot it!

The flight path of the Synapse is going to be high speed turn and then a gradual forward glide and a long fade at the end. This is definitely an S curve flight pattern that's great for forehand or backhand players. The Synapse is a high speed driver that's designed for advanced players or players with bigger arms who routinely throw 325+ feet. This disc wants to be your go to driver, it's got that distance your looking for but that consistent stable fade to make it perfect for knowing where it will land. You'll like throwing this when you have a fairly open fairway to work with, the Synapse does best when it has room to swing side to side to get the maximum distance.

Ethereal plastic from Thought Space is a premium blend of plastic. It's got a shiny luster and it's very durable with a little bit more flex in it than the aura plastic. You can still expect excellent grip, and a slightly less overstable disc right out of the box. It's a great choice from TSA for a touring professional disc golfer as well as the average joe. Ethereal plastic is affordable and lasts for years, it's going to keep your Synapse flying the same way for a very long time.

The Thought Space Athletics Ethereal Synapse Dragon disc is designed for big arm or experienced level players. This long forward glide with an S curve is how you get big distance and still control the landing space for this disc. This is the first TSA distance driver, so fill that slot in your bag and swipe one of these amazing discs today!

    Discs Discs On Sale Distance Driver Ethereal fade_3 glide_5 Reduced Pricing speed_12 Synapse TSA turn_0 175 Pink 69 15.99 032982540007 175 174 Purple 78 15.99 032985255434 174 174 Green 79 15.99 032984016340 174 174 Red 80 15.99 032985390777 174 2022-03-11T12:00:14-05:00 2022-03-11T12:00:14-05:00 TSA Aura Synapse "Journey" Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs Thought Space Athletics

    販売元: Thought Space Athletics
    タイプ: Discs
    価格: 17.99

    The Thought Space Athletics Aura Synapse Journey Disc Golf Distance Driver is a stable disc that's designed for S curves and to get you bigger distance for your throwing power. The stamp features a woman walking away through a forest of mushrooms and butterflies flying through the air. There's traditional TSA patterns throughout the stamp and the details are exquisite. If there's one thing you can always count on from ThoughtSpace, it's a high level of attention to detail in all their stamps.

    The flight path of the Synapse is going to be straight to start, a good amount of high speed turn and then a long fade back. This disc shares the flight numbers of the Innova Destroyer and Discraft Zeus, but it's going to be a little more flippy and the Synapse will have slightly more of a fade at the end of the flight. The Synapse is the first high speed distance driver from TSA, and it's a great choice for forehand players or backhand players who are looking for a reliable disc. If you're a player with 300+ feet of distance it's a great choice because you'll want something that has a consistent fade and won't just flip over when you give it a little extra juice. The Synapse wants to be your go to driver on long holes and holes where you want a controlled drive as well.

    Aura plastic from Thought Space Athletics is a premium blend with great durability and excellent grip. It's what professional players throw week in and week out on the Disc Golf Pro Tour because they know it performs well in all weather conditions. But it's affordable and can be thrown by your average local player as well. It beats in over time but will keep that stable to overstable flight path.

    This disc is a perfect balance of maximum distance and control for advanced players to pro players. It's got a sweet stamp and is useful anytime you're throwing 300+ feet. Try out the Synapse and see why everyone will be bagging this disc.

      Aura Discs Distance Driver fade_3 glide_5 speed_12 Synapse TSA turn_0 175 Yellow 76 17.99 032982853565 175 175 Green 82 17.99 032986954107 175 174 Yellow 83 17.99 032984612139 174 174 Orange 84 17.99 032984071264 174 174 Orange 86 17.99 032985343391 174 174 Orange 87 17.99 032984814519 174 173 Green 88 17.99 032981441091 173 173 Yellow 90 17.99 032983745036 173 173 Orange 91 17.99 032989032857 173