trainzwholesale, Inc. 2023-12-27T14:27:47-05:00 trainzwholesale, Inc. 2023-12-27T14:27:47-05:00 2023-12-27T14:27:47-05:00 Innova Halo Star Tern Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs Innova Disc Golf

販売元: Innova Disc Golf
タイプ: Discs
価格: 20.99

The Innova Halo Star Tern, a disc golf distance driver that’s earned the stamp of approval from five-time World Champion Juliana Korver herself. This isn’t just any disc—it’s the go-to choice for those seeking full, satisfying flights on the course.

Designed with versatility in mind, the Tern’s understable nature makes it a comfortable companion for players across various skill levels, offering maximum distance especially well-suited for intermediate players. With a wide rim that doesn’t push the limits like some of its counterparts, the Tern strikes a balance between power and control, giving you the edge without overwhelming effort.

And let’s talk about looks—the Halo Star design, a unique blend of colors and a distinctive halo rim, sets these discs apart from the crowd, ensuring they earn their spot in any player’s arsenal.

Picture this: launching impressive distance shots while maintaining control. That’s exactly what the Halo Tern promises. These discs offer stability with an ample dose of glide, making them the perfect choice for those seeking to crush distance shots without sacrificing precision. Forget about forcing other disc golf disc drivers to perform—they may be more stable or overstable, but the Tern is here to deliver booming drives effortlessly.

Wondering how the Tern handles in flight? Throw it flat, and let its natural turn and glide do the work for you. This disc isn’t about straining your throws; it’s about harnessing its inherent qualities for those glorious, soaring distances.

With flight numbers of 12/6/-3/2 for the Halo Tern, it’s ideal for a variety of shots:

  • Nail those flex or hyzer flip distance shots effortlessly.
  • Consider it a more user-friendly alternative to discs like the Shryke or Katana.
  • Take advantage of tailwinds and unleash those long bombs.
  • And hey, as it seasons, it’s your ticket to a beat-in roller for those strategic plays on the course.
  • For those seeking the perfect balance of distance, control, and aesthetics, the Innova Halo Star Tern is your ace in the hole. Whether you’re eyeing the next big throw or aiming for precision, this disc has got your back.
Discs Distance Driver fade_2 glide_6 Halo Innova speed_12 Star Stock Halo Tern turn_-3 173-175 Green Halo 55 20.99 29659843 175 173-175 Pink Halo 57 20.99 29725379 175 171 Purple Halo 60 20.99 29823683 171 166 Orange Halo 62 20.99 29889219 166 164 Green Halo 63 20.99 29921987 164 161 Purple Halo 65 20.99 29987523 158 154 Yellow Halo 46 20.99 24881457 154 153 Yellow Halo 48 20.99 72108007 153 153 Green Halo 68 20.99 30085827 153 152 Yellow Halo 69 20.99 30118595 152 150 Blue Halo 71 20.99 30184131 150 2022-09-06T12:59:51-04:00 2022-09-06T12:59:51-04:00 Innova GStar Tern Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs Innova Disc Golf

販売元: Innova Disc Golf
タイプ: Discs
価格: 14.99

The Tern is a Speed 12 Distance Driver with exceptional glide. As the name suggests, the Tern is an easy to turn driver for skilled recreational players. It also serves as a long range power roller for bigger arms. Newer players will find this disc a straight flyer with predictable fade.

Discs Distance Driver fade_2 glide_6 GStar Innova speed_12 Stock Stamp Tern turn_-3 173-175 Purple 69 14.99 010648318955 175 173-175 Purple 95 14.99 39719619 175 173-175 Blue 96 14.99 39752387 175 173-175 Green 97 14.99 39785155 175 172 Green 71 14.99 010641852340 172 171 Purple 30 14.99 010648575181 171 171 Purple 98 14.99 39817923 171 170 Purple 76 14.99 010645307181 170 170 Yellow 99 14.99 39850691 170 170 Orange 100 14.99 39883459 170 169 Brown 77 14.99 010642075090 169 168 Blue 101 14.99 39916227 168 167 Blue 102 14.99 39948995 167 163 Purple 103 14.99 39981763 163 162 Purple 104 14.99 40014531 162 157 Orange 105 14.99 40047299 157 156 Yellow 106 14.99 40080067 156 156 Yellow 107 14.99 40112835 156 150 Purple 108 14.99 40145603 150 149 Blue 109 14.99 40178371 149 148 Green 110 14.99 40211139 148 2021-05-11T08:54:12-04:00 2021-05-11T08:54:12-04:00 Innova Star Tern Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs Innova Disc Golf

販売元: Innova Disc Golf
タイプ: Discs
価格: 15.99

The Innova Star Tern is a disc designed for distance, even with lower speed arms. The Tern is an understable distance driver that boasts maximum glide and can be forced over easily. It has a small rim for a distance driver, and it throws well right out of the box.

When you're throwing the Tern whether backhand or sidearm expect it to be understable. The -3 turn on the tern means that for most of the flight it's going to be turning, and then at the end it will run out of power and fade back. This is useful for when you're in the woods and you have to throw around the trees, or in an open field when you want to get 350+ feet of distance as well as end to one side of the fairway. It's a 12 speed disc that's designed to be turned over during flight, that's the natural flight path of the disc. It will be an S curve, but less fade so expect this disc to end more towards how it starts.

Star Plastic is durable and affordable. It's twice the price of DX plastic but it will last you significantly longer and retain the flight characteristics better. The grip is awesome on a Star disc, it's perfect no matter the weather and comes in plenty of different weight and color options for players to choose from.

If your discs not doing what you want, and you need more distance and turn then check out a Tern from Innova Champion discs.

    Discs Distance Driver fade_2 glide_6 Innova speed_12 Star Stock Stamp Tern turn_-3 173-175 Blue 178 15.99 35558083 175 173-175 Green 179 15.99 35590851 175 173-175 Orange 180 15.99 35623619 175 172 Purple 158 15.99 010646726387 172 172 Purple 159 15.99 010645044970 172 171 Orange 160 15.99 010645352198 171 171 Orange 183 15.99 35721923 171 167 Orange 172 15.99 010649254702 167 167 Purple 176 15.99 010645757931 167 163 Blue 187 15.99 35852995 163 162 Blue 188 15.99 35885763 162