trainzwholesale, Inc. 2023-09-19T15:26:20-04:00 trainzwholesale, Inc. 2023-09-19T15:26:20-04:00 2023-09-19T15:26:20-04:00 Innova Halo Star Roadrunner Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs Innova Disc Golf

販売元: Innova Disc Golf
タイプ: Discs
価格: 20.99

The Innova Halo Star Roadrunner is an understable distance driver with plenty of glide. You'll get lots of early turn in the flight, with glide, and a little bit of a flattening out at the end of the flight instead of a hyzer. The Roadrunner features an awesome bird on the stamp, and the classic outer colored ring that gives Halo it's name. If you're familiar with Innova Roadrunner discs in a different plastic, the Halo one is much more stable.

Halo discs are different for flight characteristics than other Innova Star Discs. You'll find that Halo makes them much more stable right out of the box. This won't be a roller the first time you throw it, it's going to beat in more slowly too, as it's a durable plastic. These Roadrunners want to be thrown hard and flat so they can begin to turn and hold that for most of the flight. Then pan out and land. If you throw the Halo Roadrunner on an anhyzer angle, you'll find that it's going to hold for most of the flight but it might not flip over until you've seasoned it. For folks who enjoy an understable disc with a smallish rim for a 9 speed, it's a great choice.

Halo plastic is the most stable of the Innova discs plastics. It's going to take a long time to beat in, and is the most expensive because of the labor intensive process to make these wonderful Innova Roadrunners.

Have you experienced a disc that's too flippy right away? Have you thrown a Roadrunner and said "I wish this would hold a little longer before flipping over."? Get this disc in the Halo plastic and be amazed at what it can do for you. ]]>
Discs Distance Driver fade_1 glide_5 Halo Innova Roadrunner Specialty speed_9 Star Stock Halo Stock Stamp turn_-4 173-175 Yellow Halo 47 20.99 157948219060 175 171 Green Halo 61 20.99 41666445 171 170 Green Halo 64 20.99 87361059 170 168 Orange Halo 65 20.99 38727541 168 167 Blue Halo 67 20.99 90761059 167 167 Orange Halo 68 20.99 92494115 167 167 Purple Halo 69 20.99 63219711 167 166 Purple Halo 70 20.99 30750441 166 164 Green Halo 71 20.99 61763377 164 164 Blue Halo 72 20.99 21928151 164 163 Green Halo 73 20.99 24096651 163 161 Blue Halo 75 20.99 09701894 161 158 White Halo 78 20.99 98234837 158 155 Blue Halo 82 20.99 12184393 155 150 Blue Halo 83 20.99 91267693 150 149 White Halo 86 20.99 55561756 149 149 White Halo 88 20.99 11494305 149 2022-03-25T15:20:32-04:00 2022-03-25T15:20:32-04:00 Innova GStar Roadrunner Disc Golf Distance Driver* Discs Innova Disc Golf

販売元: Innova Disc Golf
タイプ: Discs
価格: 12.95

The Innova GStar Roadrunner is a very understable 9 speed driver that offers players lots of glide, and potentially a roller to get through those low ceiling holes.

The Roadrunner has been a favorite of players for years for its versatility and utility as an understable disc. You can hyzer flip the Roadrunner for long shots with lower speed arms. Or you can toss it flat for that long turnover shot and it won't really fade back. One reason that people throw the Roadrunner is how on anhyzer you can lay it onto the ground and have the disc become a controlled roller disc. It's unlikely that you'll use the Roadrunner as your primary driver, but you'll always need that golf shot where you have to hold an anhyzer for a long time and this is a perfect disc to do that with. Players who are able to throw in the 200-250 foot range will find this disc to be a great choice for S curves and that it may be their longest distance disc. As a roller you'll get incredible distance from this disc but lose a little accuracy when you throw it. Try out all of the shots with the Roadrunner, it's a great scramble tool when you have a weird lie or a drive that hit much shorter than you expected.

GStar plastic from Innova is a very grippy plastic that's a little softer than premium blends like star or champion. It's going to give you a little more of a seasoned flight right out of the box. It's what players can rely on year round in their bag because it won't stable up as much in the cold weather.

The GStar Roadrunner is an excellent disc that gives you so many options. Roll it, throw turnovers, hyzer flip it, and get yourself up and down with this versatile disc. You won't always throw the Roadrunner, but when you need it you'll be glad to have it.

Discs Distance Driver fade_1 glide_5 GStar Innova Roadrunner speed_9 Stock Stamp turn_-4 173-175 Purple 110 12.95 55684547 175 173-175 Red 111 12.95 55717315 175 173-175 Blue 112 12.95 55750083 175 172 Amber Orange 31 12.95 010649142047 172 172 Blue 113 12.95 55782851 172 171 Blue 83 12.95 010649057426 171 171 Purple 114 12.95 55815619 171 171 Orange 115 12.95 55848387 171 169 Green 101 12.95 010649421180 169 167 Amethyst Purple 48 12.95 010642902068 167 167 Purple 104 12.95 010649067203 167 165 Green 107 12.95 010643841601 165 164 Red 116 12.95 55881155 164 163 Blue 117 12.95 55913923 163 162 Purple 118 12.95 55946691 162 159 Purple 119 12.95 55979459 159 158 Purple 120 12.95 56012227 158 156 Green 121 12.95 56044995 156 150 Blue 122 12.95 56077763 150 149 Green 123 12.95 56110531 149 147 Blue 124 12.95 56143299 147 2021-09-16T22:07:08-04:00 2021-09-16T22:07:08-04:00 Innova Star Roadrunner Gregg Barsby Signature Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs Innova Disc Golf

販売元: Innova Disc Golf
タイプ: Discs
価格: 15.99

The Innova Star Roadrunner distance driver is the signature disc of Gregg Barsby. The 2018 PDGA World Champion says this disc is "great for new and experienced players; has a ton of glide, an easy-to-hold profile, and a relatively neutral flight pattern off the shelf. The Star Roadrunner should be a comfortable fit for anyone’s bag! ... great for hyzer flip shots through the woods, that long glide at the end off the flight will hold a line, and for rollers there isn’t one disc I would recommend over the Roadrunner." The graphic stamp features a roadrunner at full speed on colorful, grippy Star Plastic. 

Discs Distance Driver fade_1 glide_5 Innova Roadrunner Signature Specialty speed_9 Star Stock Stamp turn_-4 173-175 Banana 300 15.99 010644122525 175 173-175 Pumpkin 330 15.99 010649764157 175 173-175 Banana 332 15.99 010649114204 175 173-175 Pumpkin 333 15.99 010647408770 175 173-175 Banana 334 15.99 010649989659 175 173-175 Pumpkin 360 15.99 010646026036 175 173-175 Tangerine 365 15.99 010646764686 175 172 Pumpkin 305 15.99 010647729783 172 172 Lime 335 15.99 010645605775 172 171 Blaze Orange 308 15.99 010643108650 171 171 Lime 309 15.99 010641540339 171 171 Blaze Orange 311 15.99 010649743053 171 171 Lime 340 15.99 010643156996 171 171 Banana 342 15.99 010646916252 171 170 Lime 344 15.99 010641093699 170 170 Emerald 377 15.99 010643326740 170 158 Pumpkin Orange 393 15.99 100000008659 175 2021-06-26T10:00:12-04:00 2021-06-26T10:00:12-04:00 Innova Champion Roadrunner Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs Innova Disc Golf

販売元: Innova Disc Golf
タイプ: Discs
価格: 15.99

The Innova Champion Roadrunner is an understable finesse distance driver. It's versatility for all skill levels makes it a must have in every bag. Excellent for downhill or downwind shots, the Roadrunner will hold a straight line on a tunnel shot, makes a great long range roller, and is the best distance driver for turnover shots. The durable Champion Plastic provides outstanding performance while holding it's original flight patterns over time.

    Champion Discs Distance Driver fade_1 glide_5 Innova Roadrunner speed_9 Stock Stamp turn_-4 173-175 Watermelon Pink 108 15.99 010644789971 175 173-175 Neon Orange 110 15.99 010644677612 175 172 Fairway Green 111 15.99 010641202275 172 171 Neon Yellow 99 15.99 010648331633 171 171 Fairway Green 113 15.99 010647252823 171 169 Fairway Green 125 15.99 010644810354 169 168 Fairway Green 127 15.99 010641223980 168 164 Pink 137 15.99 010641753043 164 164 Pink 139 15.99 010645007074 164 163 Yellow 140 15.99 010649976512 163 163 Pink 141 15.99 010641229272 163