trainzwholesale, Inc. 2021-10-26T15:41:41-04:00 trainzwholesale, Inc. 2021-10-26T15:41:41-04:00 2021-10-26T15:41:41-04:00 Axiom Neutron Paradox Disc Golf Midrange Discs MVP Disc Sports

販売元: MVP Disc Sports
タイプ: Discs
価格: 20.95

The Axiom Neutron Paradox Disc Golf Midrange is a very understable disc that's ready to be a part of your bag. This disc will flip over and glide on an anhyzer line for the entire flight.

The flight path of the Neutron Paradox from Axiom is going to be a long anhyzer. If you're struggling with throwing a forehand or backhand and need the disc to finish to the other side this is the disc that will work for you. With a speed rating of 5 it's throwable by anyone who can reach about 100 feet. The Paradox is a disc you can use in the woods when you'd like lots of turn but don't have room to throw a sweeping hyzer. It's got lots of glide, so if you do throw it high it has even more time to get over. The Paradox isn't here for distance, it excels from 75-300 feet when you need all the touch on a shot. The only time it doesn't perform well is on windy days when the understable part becomes unpredictable and may turn over into a roller.

Neutron plastic from Axiom is a super durable and grippy premium blend. You can expect to be throwing discs in Neutron plastic for years to come. It's the choice of pros and amateur players alike. It's not super pricey, and it works every time you pull it out of the bag.

The Paradox will be your in between disc. It fits such a great spot in the bag where a putter is too short and a driver is too long. This understable disc can help you out with your opposite throw woes. Get a paradox and start carving some amazing lines between trees today!

Axiom Discs fade_0 glide_4 Mid-Range Midrange Paradox speed_5 Stock Stamp turn_-4 172 Maroon-White 213 20.95 010641290869 172