Motivation For Disc Golf

Motivation For Disc Golf

Motivation can come and go in waves. Sometimes when practicing disc golf shots, writing blogs, or just getting back to the gym can be met with a little trepidation. You feel a little sore, or you just wrote your 172nd weekly blog about disc golf. Whatever it is, sometimes you need a little help with getting motivated.

One thing I remember about motivation is “Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work.” - Stephen King

That quote has always been a source of motivation for me when I write. Whether it’s competing in NaNoWriMo, writing blogs, writing essays, it’s a quote I’ve always felt applied to me. At this point, I guess I’m not an amateur anymore because I do get paid to write. So I can't sit around and wait for inspiration, I have to go out and get to work.

So I can either sit around and wait, or I can get going. But what if there was a way to increase my motivation at the time? You don’t have to sit around and wait for inspiration, what if you can... force it a little bit?

This week in the blog I’m going to help you with some motivation. Some positive reinforcements are on their way to make sure that you get the motivation you need. The American Psychology Association defines “Motivation” as “The impetus that gives purpose or direction to behavior and operates in humans at a conscious or unconscious level.” and
“A person’s willingness to exert physical or mental effort in pursuit of a goal or outcome.”

I want to help you with disc golfing by giving you a purpose.

  1. Getting better at a specific skill that you choose to practice.

I want to increase your willingness to exert physical effort.

  1. By giving you motivational content.

I believe that this blog will meet both criteria for you.

I used to use a website called to find random inspiring videos to motivate me. Now that website no longer exists. Some real estate companies bought the domain name. Sounds like they were motivated to sell that domain for money after working hard to get clicks.

So I’m making my own version of the website in this blog post, and I’m sharing it with all of you. Because every once in a while I need a little motivation to write a blog, go do a workout, whatever it is.

Some of the videos are speeches, some are movie moments, others are sports stories. And I've dedicated a section to poetry because if anything will make you feel ready to run through a brick wall, it's poetry.

I’m not going to tell you what it is you’re going to click on for a link, because I want you to take a risk.
Also that’s how the site used to work, you just click next and get a new video, poem, or poster to inspire you.

I’ll break them down into sections, and mark the ones with objectionable language NSFW for folks who don’t like that sort of thing. Or those of you who are looking for a little motivation while at work.

Sports Moments
Motivation #1
Motivation #2
Motivation #3

Motivation #1 (NSFW)
Motivation #2
Motivation #3

Movie moments
Motivation #1 (NSFW)
Motivation #2
Motivation #3

Disc Golf
Motivation #1
Motivation #2
Motivation #3

Motivation #1
Motivation #2
Motivation #3
Motivation #4

Now get out there and putt.
Practice your drives.
Do what it is that you have to do to achieve your disc golf dreams. I believe in you, you believe in yourself. So get going. Close this window, quit your browser, and go grab that practice basket and your stack of putters.

May your discs miss all the trees,
Andrew Streeter #70397


