Are You Getting The Most Out Of UDisc?

Are You Getting The Most Out Of UDisc?

This is a UDisc appreciation blog. If you don’t have this application and you disc golf, buy it. It’s 5 dollars a year (free for PDGA members).
There’s no better app in the game for keeping score right now. When the state of Maine put a stop to handing out paper scorecards during the pandemic UDisc was the go to for people. I love it and it’s honestly an app you need on your phone.

What Can UDisc do?

  • Keeps score for you and everyone else on your card.
  • When you get to a hole it lets you know the distance, par, your average score, your best score, how far you are from the basket.
  • Use it to track how far you drive in field practice.
  • It keeps the score for pro players during events.
  • Saves scorecard use, in turn saving trees.
  • Compiles the stats of players during tournaments, and the end of the year so bloggers like me can have something to reference.
  • Helps you find courses and stores nearby.
  • Tracks your steps like a pedometer.
  • Has the PDGA rulebook for you to reference.
  • They have a great blog called Release Point which multiple authors contribute to.
  • Has a putting practice section for you to record your scores.
  • Lets you know what the conditions of a course are before you get to them. That’s done by people who contribute, but hey it’s where I look before going to play.

How can you use it?

Firstly you should use it to keep your score. At SDG there used to be a computer that would keep your scores and show you your average round. My friends and I would all huddle around to see our average scores drop as we got better. The computer is gone because now everyone has one on their phones. It’s easy to get your score imported if your friend keeps score as well. When you start your round just add them as a friend, and your score will show up on your profile at the end of the round.

Track those distance drives! If you’re out in the field and trying to get your max distance then throw your disc and track it with UDisc. I throw maybe 4 or 5 drives from one spot. Then I start the counter and walk to each disc without clicking the stop button. This lets me know how far I threw each of them. It’s even easier than using my rangefinder.

Use the PDGA Rulebook. Any time you have a question it’s probably answerable by the rules. Is your friend telling you that they’re allowed to have one foot on the teepad and the other off when they release their drive… refer them to the rulebook.
I have a copy that I got years ago when I joined the PDGA but it’s outdated. Now I have an up to date one wherever I go.

Get that putting practice in. I’ll always go back to putting as something for me and others to improve on. Not everyone can drive 450, but everyone should be making their 15 footers. UDisc provides a way for you to track 11, 22, and 33 footers as well as 44, 55, and 66 foot putts. Making 2 more putts a round turns that 56 into a 54. You do the work, UDisc tracks it for you.

Follow the lead card. I’m a fan of the pro scene as well as someone who plays. I used or the app to follow along live and see how a big tournament is turning out. I love clicking on their name and seeing all sorts of stats about them. This is because there’s an awesome volunteer who is keeping score and the stats for each card. UDisc provides the way for me to read that Ricky Wysocki was 100% putting in Circle 1 on the Front 9 of Jonesboro.

Provide awesome stats of pros. I think we can all agree that no one can agree who the best player is. Here is a link that you can use to see 2016-2021 stats for players. Find out who had the best C2 percentage in 2017. Find out that in 2020 Calvin Heimburg parked 20% of his drives. That means he didn’t really have to putt 3-4 holes per round. Yes this is a feature of the blog, but it’s UDisc and I use it all the time.

These are some of the features that I think folks may be missing out on when they use UDisc. It’s 5 bucks a year and it keeps your rounds, but it does so much more than that! I hope that you’re checking out all of the features this app offers and not just clicking the score round option.

Are there any features of UDisc that you use that I missed? Are there any that you’ve just found out about and are going to try? Let me know!

May your discs miss all the trees,
Andrew Streeter #70397


