Disc Golf Discs That Go Right

Disc Golf Discs That Go Right

I think there’s certain events that most disc golfers go through in their life. Not necessarily in any order.

  1. You receive a high speed overstable distance driver from a friend who also struggles to throw that disc.
  2. You lose a disc in the woods/thorns/water and are suddenly looking online at all of the discs you can possibly buy. (Or in our pro shop)
  3. You realize that you don’t have a forehand shot and want a disc that flies the opposite of all your other discs.

So you might know a little bit about turn and fade and the 4 number flight rating system.

How can you be sure that the disc you want to throw goes to the right?
How far does it go to the right?
How far forward does it go?

These are all things that as you look online you might be wondering.

Great news, the blog this week is all about right handed backhand players and discs that will go to the right for them.
If you’re a left handed backhand player, all of these discs will go to the left.

I didn’t always have the 350 foot forehand that I do now, I spent 3 years throwing turnover shots with my starter pack Innova Shark and my Voodoo putters from Gateway. If you’re interested in learning how to throw forehand shots I have a blog for that.

If you want to know why you should learn when to throw forehand versus turnover shots, and what the difference between them is, here’s a blog for that.

Here are the 4 discs that I recommend to players who are looking to have turnover shots.
Innova Mirage
Axiom Paradox
Innova Archangel
TSA Mantra

These discs are going to handle most of your left to right needs.

Let’s start with the Mirage.

It’s a 3 speed putter/mid. I love this disc for beginner players, folks with slower arm speeds, and anyone who has a smaller hand size.

The Mirage doesn’t want to do anything other than turn when you throw it. If you throw it 50 feet it’s going to go straight. Once you start throwing further than that it just goes to the right. It has a small bead on it, some folks don’t like that but it’s never bothered me.
You can really reef on this disc if you want. I disagree with Innova’s glide rating on this disc and really think it’s much closer to 2.5 than a 4. The Mirage doesn’t want to stay in the air that long and I like it for getting up and down quickly. Discs start to fade as they slow down, and if you throw them nose up they might flex out on you. But that’s never been a problem with the Mirage for me. I find it really useful under 250 feet, anything more than that and I have to throw it really fast and risk throwing a cut roller.

You can get it cheaply as DX plastic because you’re not going to have to kill this disc to get it to flip. So even if you do hit a tree with it, it’s not at full power. If you’re someone who likes star blend plastic, we carry the Mirage in that plastic as well. Either way you’re going to be getting lots of flip with this disc right away.

Next up is the Paradox from MVP.

I can’t express how flippy this midrange is as a 5 speed. When I broke my arm in 2020 and learned to throw lefty in 2020/2021 this was my backhand turnover disc. It’s so flippy, you can turn it over with your non dominant arm.

The real benefit to this disc has to be the high glide. You can throw this out high like I did in the video and watch it keep gliding on that anhyzer. Giving discs time in the air to turn is a lot of fun and leads to lots of distance. It keeps turning and turning and turning and then it pans out at about 300 feet.
This is the disc I recommend to folks who have been playing for at least a season and want something that “goes the other way”. It really doesn’t take much to flip.

The only downside to the Paradox is that like any understable disc, it requires some practice so you don’t throw it too high and have it stall out or too low and have it cut roll. Finding your release height is important with this disc, so take it out into the field for a good 5-10 throws before you try to hit a turnover line on the course.

The Archangel was my first flippy driver. I found almost no use for the disc until I got to hole 12 of the Hawk course.
With a huge dogleg to the right for a fairway it’s one of the best possible discs for this shot. The Archangel as you saw in the video just likes to start turning and keep turning. This is the disc to flip over for you when you’re regularly pushing 250-275 feet with your backhand.

It’s not subtle. It’s not particularly accurate. But it bends the whole way and when you want distance and something that curves to the right this is going to be one of the best options in the game.

If you’re experiencing scoring separation from your buddies on holes where they throw a hard forehand and you have to lay up to the corner. Stop doing that and get the Archangel. Throw it high and rip it hard for that strong turn that you want.

The Mantra is a flippy distance driver that has a tendency to keep turning. While it’s officially listed as a -2 turn, I think it’s much more than that. Especially if you get it in a plastic like Aura or Ethereal which isn’t as stable as Ethos plastic.

This disc has been my go to for about 2 years on hyzer flips of 300 feet. It feels like a longer glidey midrange than a distance driver. I also use it for shots that drift hard to the right when my forehand can’t reach the landing zone. At first I thought the disc was too flippy to be useful, but now I know it’s just touch mixed with power that makes this disc awesome.

If you want something that drifts to the right pretty early in the flight this is a great choice for you. The Mantra has a lot of glide and when thrown for longer distances it can stable up at the end of the flight. Throw it flat and hard and you’re going to move from left to right and down the fairway at the same time.

If you’re in the market for discs that go to the right and you want something that matches your arm speed try out the

Mirage if you throw under 200 feet on your max drive.
Paradox if you throw 200-250 feet on your max drive.
Archangel if you want your disc to turn the whole way over 275 feet.
Mantra if you want your disc to glide and turn slightly less than the Archangel.

May your discs miss all the trees,
Andrew Streeter #70397

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