100 Disc Golf Polls!

100 Disc Golf Polls!

SDG gives me a lot of leeway when it comes to posting blogs. In fact they just let me write whatever I’m passionate about regarding disc golf. Sometimes I write informative pieces such as the best way to develop your forehand. Sometimes I write about where my mind takes me, like what would happen if you threw your disc over an active volcano?

So when it comes to Twitter, SDG management figures I can keep doing whatever I’d like there as well.

Every Friday at noonish EST I post a #WeekendPoll. I’ve got questions about disc golf that I want answered! Sometimes they’re informative, oftentimes they’re peoples personal preferences, and occasionally silly. Turns out that I’ve written over 100 of them since I started, so I figured it was time to make a blog about it.

I alone shouldn’t have all the answers, you guys may want to read other people’s thoughts. One thing I really love about disc golf is the free access of information on places like the PDGA and UDisc, and when Infinite releases the state of disc golf blog info.

What’s a #WeekendPoll?
On Twitter I create a poll that I leave up from Friday afternoon until Sunday evening. It allows me to ask a question and create 2-4 responses for people to choose from. After you vote you can see the results instantly.

I included the dates and number of people who voted in each one. The early days were a struggle to get people voting, so some of those polls can be taken with a grain of salt. Though most of the people who follow SDG on Twitter are disc golfers just like yourself. They’re players from all around the globe who love our sport. So when they make their choice it’s not some random person scrolling. I guess what I mean is, you can get a good sense of the general crowd of disc golfers with the votes.

I want to say a HUGE thank you to anyone who has ever voted in our online polls. From getting 5 votes in a weekend, to getting almost 100 last weekend 😭 I’m touched at the growth in responses. And I look forward to asking you folks plenty of questions every weekend in the future.

So this week I’d like to share all of disc golf #WeekendPolls in order. Also, follow SDG on Twitter if you’d like to vote on polls.




Hope you enjoyed reading the collective minds of other disc golfers.

May your discs miss all the trees,
Andrew Streeter #70397

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